Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fur Git'r Lure

     For the past couple of weeks I've been testing some scent lure called Fur Git'r. Nancy, over at A Rural Journal, sent me a 1 oz. bottle to use in some of my camera sets. Nancy and her husband Shane have a trapping supply company called Papio Creek Trapping Supply. Disclaimer - I have no connection nor receive any monies from the company. I'm just gladly helping out a fellow blogger and small business owner. If you're interested in some lures or baits please check out their web site.
     I've used the lure on two different sets the past couple of weeks and have been very pleased with the results. I use scent capsules and wool to hold the lure. Each week both sets were hit and the capsules chewed up. If you read last weeks post you know the triplets messed up one of the sets before I got any other pics. This week I was really pleased that I got some coyote pics. It's been close to a year since I got any coyotes on camera. There are two coyotes in the first pics and one sneaking back in for another look in the second.

This three pic group shows a fox coming into the lure I set in an old stump. I switched to video mode last week and I'm still working out some issues with that with most of the issues being with me the operator :(. Hopefully video next week.


TexWisGirl said...

yay for 'yotes! :) and good for shane and nancy that their 'stank' works great! :)

Trailblazer said...

Nice job on the 'Yotes, Joe!!

Linda said...

I don't think I've ever seen a coyote in the wild. Neat pictures!

Nancy said...

So neat to see what that lure does in your area Joe! Pretty impressed with the bear, something we obviously don't have here in Nebraska.

Thanks so much for helping us with our tests.

Lindsjö taxar said...

We dont have coyote...but some wolves, about 400 totally in Sweden

Leah said...

Good first pic of the coyote... glad you were able to catch one on camera! We found some bear scat out on the edge of the field - would like to catch him on camera but we will see. He has been after the berries up in the woods. It is cooling down here ~ and of course that means deer hunting coming up.

Michaele said...

Glad to see the bears didn't get it this time. Looks like the fox has flashlight eyes. lol