I still have few fawn pics this year. Actually I have only one. I suspect with all of the bears around the does are keeping the little ones out of harm’s way as much as they can.
Sharing my trailcam pics and experiences from the Massanutten Mountains and the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Bears and More Bears
I got a lot of different bear pics last week. As I said in my last post the triplets are fine and apparently we have another sow running around the farm with twins. I moved the IR camera to a small mountain pond we used a backhoe the dig out several years ago and got some good bear pics from it the first week there. One looks like a pretty big bear that I’m guessing is a boar and another scruffy little fellow. Scruffy visited two camera sets last week. The one at the mountain pond and the other I have in the small woods out on the farm.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Cruise In
This post is a little off of my usual topic but it helps explain why I haven't been visiting your blogs the last several of days. I'm a member of the local Ruritan Club and we had our annual Cruise In and Lawn Party Friday and Saturday night at the Ruritan Park . This is our second biggest fund raising event after the county fair and a lot of work to put it on. Fortunately we had beautiful weather and a great turn out both days. The Cruise In was one of our biggest with around 90 cars participating. Below are some pics of the Cruise In. Sadly I was way too busy during the peak of the Lawn Party Saturday to get any pics of that this year. Hopefully things will settle down for a month or so and I can get back to posting twice a week and checking out my favorite blogs :).
On a side note I mentioned in the last post that I thought that maybe something had happened to one of the triple cubs. Well, they're all O.K. I got pics of them last week. Apparently there are two sows with cubs that look a lot alike running around the farm. One with the triplets and one with twins. I promise to do a bear post later this week.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
I'm afraid something may have happened to one of the triplets. I got this set of pics last week from my IR camera so the pics come out in black and white. The flash sensitivity is bad on this camera and it uses the infrared for most of the daytime pics as well as the night ones. Momma also had to come up and stick her nose right on the camera lens so only the first pic is clear. But I'm pretty sure this is the sow that had the triplets. I hope I'm wrong and there are two sows that look a lot alike. Another thing you'll notice is that these cubs are staying very close to momma's side.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Skittish Bucks
Got this interesting series of shots of two young bucks. In the first pic they are calmly browsing away. Then SWOOSH. They are heading for parts unknown in the second pic. Three minutes later they are back again calmly browsing and have been joined by a scamper rat as texwisgirl over at The Run*A*Round Ranch likes to call the squirrels. I suspect the scamper rat is what spooked the bucks. This camera is very quiet so I doubt it's what bothered them. Looks like they both have just about finished shedding their winter coat and have their bright red summer coats.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Misc. Critters
I had high hopes on getting these posted earlier in the week but it's been another hectic week. Just an assortment of animals I've gotten on cam the last couple of weeks. Couple of different bears(I think we're getting over run with bears), a gray fox, a red fox with a very bad case of mange, and a couple unusual daytime raccoon pics. I'm planning on going to check the cameras this afternoon and see what new critters I've got.

Sunday, June 5, 2011
More Cub Pics
I've been pretty much AWOL this past week from blogland :(. We finally had a week without rain and I was on the go about 25 hours a day trying to catch up on all the things I'd hope to get done in May. Made a dent in the projects but still have a bunch to do.
I did have a much better camera trapping week anyway. The momma and three cubs did move out onto the farm woodlot and I got some good pics of them out there. Also got a few other assorted critters I'll try to get posted later this week.
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